Frequently Asked Questions

Where do we ship?

We currently are only taking orders from USA. We're working hard to include international shipping in the future.

Processing time

We want to ensure that you get a quality product that is up to our standards. Please give us two weeks to work on your order, if you have questions or want an update on your order just reach out to us.

Order Change or Cancelation 

Things happen, we totally understand! We allow a 24 hour period to change or cancel orders if you reach out via email.

Refund & Exchange Policy

As a small business and because of Covid-19 as of now we only offer refunds or exchanges if an error was made on our part. All sales are final.  

Custom Orders

We work closely with you when you order something custom made, for quotes please email us 

Can't find something you saw before?

If you're looking for a design and can't find it, it might mean we've discontinued it to work on new goodies! We sometimes sell special event only items as well. Reach out to us and let us know what you're looking for and we can help